SJ on the Move

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Our evening walk

We are still in the midst of the biggest heat wave in Bonn in the past 50 years. It is 95 degrees here today, with a refreshing dip down to 91 forecasted for tomorrow.

So, we endeavour to spend every evening outside where at least there is the possibility of the occasional cooling breeze. We have about 3 usual tours for our evening walk that we rotate. One is to the downtown pedestrian zone, the other is to the Hofgarten field and playground, and the final is to the Poppelsdorf Castle. All of them allow SJ the opportunity to run around for a bit, which every night we hope will result in her being tired enough to go to bed early. What was that quote from Albert Einstein again?

Regardless, it is nice to spend an evening outside. Particularly since Bonn this summer is completely devoid of mosquitoes. I've been told this is not usually the case, but since we have been here we have not seen a single mosquito.


At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.


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