SJ on the Move

Sunday, June 25, 2006

My family

SJ is not big on posed pictures. She prefers the natural look of candids, but we did manage to catch her off-guard for a moment and grab a family photo.

Me and my Auntie Em

Isn't it great to have a friend who can help you take stuff apart? Auntie Em is a pediatrician, so she's more familiar with putting people back together, but she was able to lend SJ a hand at the reception.

SJ's New Aunt

This weekend SJ welcomed Ruthie into her family as her new Aunt.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Two Fisting - SJ Style

Have you ever noticed that some foods seem to be nothing more than a condiment delivery system? Having yet to see the Seinfeld "Double Dip" episode, SJ sees no reason to keep going back for more ketchup on her fries. Not only that, she discovered that using two fries results in twice as much ketchup! Smart girl. Of course, she has no idea that she'll soon find out that McDonald's charges you for ketchup in Germany. The horror!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

May I enter your country? Please?

Who could say "No" to this face? Really?